Take control over you health and achieve optimal balance.

This is for you if you need help with…


Reduction in emotional and physical stress


Muscle pain and lack of movement


Bloating and water retention

Quantum Biofeedback Readings

1hr $80 plus tax
Virtually $70 plus tax

We measure the body’s response to various stressors and imbalances to provide insight into the underlying causes of physical and emotional issues. Non-invasive and painless technology can help correct these issues, and improve energy levels, reduce stress and create a better overall healthy lifestyle.

What is the Quantum Biofeedback System?
The most advanced technology attempts to identify and record subtle informational stress potentials provided by the client during the assessment procedure. The flow or blockages the system responds to reflects a profound system of communication that demonstrates the body/mind inter-connection and intelligence. The results is presented to the client in the form of charts, and texts making it easy to understand.

Detox Drainage Facial

Lymphatic Drainage Facial massage 1hr $175 plus tax

A technique to help LIFT - CONTOUR - DETOX
A gentle non-invasive massage to help stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins. Lymphatic drainage can help reduce puffiness, improve skin tone and texture, lift the skin, and create a rejuvenated look. This technique helps to increase blood flow, boost the immune system and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helps with TMJ, Jaw lock and releasing tension in the jaw. Bonus: improving the lymphatic system helps increase energy in the body

Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage with fascia massaging.

1hr $200 plus tax

A hands on unique and innovative technique that helps break up and release tight fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds and supports the muscles, nerves and blood vessels, combining this technique with Brazilian Lymphatic drainage you will see a ton of results internally and externally, not only will you get an INSTANT contouring effect you will also see results with improved flexibility, reduced pain and soreness, improved appearance of cellulite and enhanced overall functions of the body.

Additional Services


Brazilian Lymphatic Packages
Face & Body packages
Business consulting

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